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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

call me antsy pants

Do I really want my 20's to be spent in Milwaukee when there is so much more out there....what if a place shapes you? I came here thinking it was about family and community but that's no where to be found and this place seems to simply be nothing but a drag but on the flip side I'm a runner I run away from everything so maybe it's best I stay to alter some sort of character flaw if that's what it is.

I'm burning for a HUGE change!!!!

Listening to: Lupe Fiasco - Streets On Fire

1 comment:

  1. There is not much here in Milwaukee, sadly I have been thinking about getting out of here for a few years. At the same time there is something about it that makes it a bit like home. In the end I know I will leave and I will miss a number of things about this place, but leave I will do.

    Change is not always about place sometimes change is not even about people. Look towards the path you want and walk it; some people, things and feeling will change as you move towards your goal. Running is an easy change, and really doesn't change you, just removes you from the "issue". To grow we need to evolve not run. We need to daredevil our desires and needs not hide from them. Everyone can do these things they have just lost the support and encouragement that makes them seem possible. They have lost their heart and courage mostly caused by the pains of life and not enough good. A change in those things will be a change that is lasting and impacts you and all of those that you know.

    Make sure the change is a good change though. Not all change is good, like all directions are not forward.
